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Shields, Paula et al. 온전한 치유를 위하여 - 인생의 상처로부터의 회복(Healing of the Soul). Seoro-Sarang: 2006, 156 pages.
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Van Cleve, Steven, Walter Bird, and Cathy Rivell. 약물중독 상담(Counseling for Substance Abuse and Addiction) - 기독교 상담시리즈 17. Tyranus: 2002, 268 pages.
Warren, Rick. 회복으로 가는 길(The Road to Recovery). KDMI: 2006, 237 pages.
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Worthington, Everett. 용서와 화해(Forgiving and Reconciling). IVP: 2006, 328 pages.
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